"Grant me, O Lord my God, a mind to know Thee, a heart to seek Thee, wisdom to find Thee, conduct pleasing to Thee, faithful perseverance in waiting for Thee, and a hope of finally embracing Thee. Amen." -St. Thomas Aquinas
Resource Page
Below find various categories of resources meant to assist you in increasing your faith and growing in virtue, along with law enforcement career and skills development resources.
Catechism/ Moral Theology
Resources on various subjects: https://meaningofcatholic.com/resources/
Website to assist in recovering Catholic traditions and to help new converts: http://fisheaters.com/
Roman Catechism: http://www.catholicapologetics.info/thechurch/catechism/trentc.htm
Prummer Moral Theology Handbook: https://sensusfidelium.com/bible-catechesis/handbook-of-moral-theology-by-dominic-m-prummer-o-p/
History/ Current Crisis
Where to attend the traditional Mass
- www.sspxlongisland.com St. Michael the Archangel, Farmingville, NY
- http://stjosaphat-queens.org St. Josaphat's, Bayside NY
- www.institute-christ-king.org/bridgeport-home St. Cyril & Methodius Oratory, Bridgeport, CT
- www.sspxridgefield.com Christ the King Church and Priory, Ridgefield, CT
- www.sspxridgefield.com/st-anthony-of-padua St. Anthony of Padua, North Caldwell, NJ
- www.olfchapel.org Our Lady of Fatima Chapel (FSSP), Pequannock, NJ
- https://shrineofholyinnocents.org Shrine of Holy Innocents, New York, NY